Life Cycles
Births | Bar Mitzvah | Bat Mitzvah | Weddings | Death
Mazal Tov on the birth of your baby!
Every child brings new light and blessing to the world and the Gardens Shul is so excited to welcome another member of your family!
What you need to know:
BOY: One of the fundamental Commandments in Judaism for a Jewish male is the Mitzvah of Brit Milah – Circumcision, bringing a new born boy into the Covenant of Abraham. The Brit Milah is also the time when the Jewish boy is given his Hebrew name. Cape Town is blessed with a number of competent Mohalim who can perform the circumcision in a safe and reliable environment. Please speak to the Rabbi for recommendations and for any questions you may have regarding the Brit Milah.
GIRL: One of the religious considerations after the birth of a baby girl is the Hebrew naming ceremony. This takes place at the Torah and is usually done by the father being called up to the Torah. Often the new parents will invite extended family and friends to participate in the baby naming ceremony followed by a celebratory L’Chaim. If it is on Shabbat the family has the option of sponsoring the Brocha. Please speak to the Rabbi or Rebbetzin for any questions or advice regarding a Hebrew name or to schedule your baby naming ceremony.
Bar Mitzvah
The Bar Mitzvah is a rite of passage that symbolizes the transformation of a boy at the age of 13 into a responsible adult. It is considered a very significant milestone in Judaism and at Gardens we do our best to ensure a most meaningful and uplifting Bar Mitzvah experience.
To celebrate a Bar Mitzvah in the magnificent, historic Gardens Synagogue is truly an awesome experience! The sheer physical beauty and grandeur is complimented by a world-class service, an emphasis on a personalised experience, and an educational and inspiring Fathers & Sons Barmy Discovery Course led by the Rabbi. The cherry on the top is the outstanding catering led by in-house caterer and volunteer Hazel Kosviner.
To book a Bar Mitzvah please phone the Shul office on 021 465 1405, or please complete and the form below to secure your date and set up an appointment with the Rabbi.
The Rabbi will advise regarding Bar Mitzvah teachers as well as other relevant details needed to plan the Bar Mitzvah.
Bat Mitzvah
The Bat Mitzvah is a rite of passage that symbolizes the transformation of a girl at the age of twelve into a responsible adult. It is considered a very significant milestone in Judaism and at Gardens we do our best to ensure a most meaningful and uplifting Bat Mitzvah experience.
From the very popular and meaningful Group Bat Mitzvah learning program with Rebbetzin Sarah that culminates in a beautiful Bat Mitzvah group ceremony in the Shul, to the individual Bat Mitzvah celebrations there are so many ways to meaningfully celebrate this momentous milestone.
A Gardens Shul innovation – the Friday night pre–Shabbat candle lighting ceremony has been a very popular addition to the individual Bat Mitzvah options, as is the post-Shabbat Havdallah ceremony and the traditional D’var Torah in Shul Shabbat morning followed by a Kiddush Brocha.
To book a Bat Mitzvah please get in touch with the Shul office on 021 465 1405, or please complete the registration form below to secure your date and set up an appointment to discuss the Bat Mitzvah with the Rabbi and Rebbetzin.
Mazal Tov on your upcoming wedding!
Whether you choose to celebrate your special day in a ceremony in our beautiful Synagogue or at an outside venue, we offer a world class, personalized and meaningful wedding experience.
Couples come from all over the world to be married in Cape Town and many are continuing their own family history at the Gardens Shul. Our Rabbi is highly sought after to officiate at marriages as is our Chazzan, an internationally acclaimed singer Choni G.
Please note that Choni G is booked independently of the Shul via his agent To find out more about Choni G please visit his website
To book a wedding please contact the Shul office on 021 465 1405, or download the application form and email back to to secure your date and to set up an appointment with the Rabbi who will advise regarding all the preparations required including details of the special pre-marital learning opportunities with the Rabbi and Rebbetzin.
We are so sorry for your loss. At Gardens we will do our best to be there for you at this difficult time.
You can reach the Chevra Kadisha at: 021 531 8705 or Evan Samols: 082 570 8834.
Please contact the Rabbi who will guide you in the funeral and Jewish mourning process.
May the Almighty comfort you amongst the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem,