Learning & Events
Shiurim | Shul, Holiday & Festivals | Friday Night Live | Yom Kippur
There are a host of learning and educational opportunities at the Gardens Shul. The daily and weekly Shiurim listed here are enhanced by regular guest speakers and lecturers as well as Pop-Up Shiurim.
Daily: Halacha Vort following Shacharit, shiur between Mincha & Maariv.
Halacha from the Parsha Shiur – with Rabbi Feldman following the Shabbat Brocha.
Torah Learning Classes for Ladies – with Rabbi Feldman, Thursdays at 11 am in the boardroom.
Pop-Up Shiurim – Speak with the Rabbi to organise a Pop-Up shiur at your home or office.
Please chat with the Rabbi should you want to host a Pop-Up Shiur at your home or office!
Shul, Holiday & Festival Programming
From Shabbat dinners to Festival celebrations, from young adult events to social gatherings for the elderly, from entertaining concerts and conferences to guest international lecturers and speakers, there is always something going on at the Gardens Shul.
Please follow us on Facebook or Instagram to keep up with all that is happening.
Alternatively, please contact the Shul office to join our mailing list.
Friday Night Live
A flagship Gardens Shul event that was launched in 2007 and has been emulated internationally, the name Friday Night Live has become synonymous with the Gardens Shul. Held monthly, it attracts many hundreds of members from the community to experience a memorable Shul service followed by a themed social ‘Brocha’ in the piazza.
Please contact the Shul office for details of the upcoming Friday Night Live.
Yom Kippur
182 Years & Going Strong!!
Thank you for supporting the annual Gardens Shul Yom Kippur campaign. The funds collected ensure the continued vibrancy of the Gardens Shul Home & Family. For 182 years the Gardens shul has been a hub of spiritual, religious, and social Jewish life. 2024 continues the trajectory of dynamic growth in affiliation and membership.
Thanks to YOUR partnership and investment, we can continue our inspired work for the community.