Batmitzvah Registration

Congratulations! This very special time requires a lot of careful consideration and planning for the Batmitzvah girl and parents alike. We at the Gardens Shul are here to answer any of your questions and assist wherever possible.
For peace of mind and ease of planning please find some basic information below.
NON MEMBERS: This form must be accompanied by certification of the mother’s Orthodox Judaism by way of marriage/divorce certificate or a shul membership form. Please speak to the Rabbi or Rebbetzin should you not have any of these documents.
Non-members are encouraged to join the Shul as members – belonging to a Shul/Community is an important part of developing a strong Jewish identity for our children, particularly at this special time in their lives. All families are encouraged to bring their daughters to Shul on Friday night for the duration of their Bat Mitzvah learning, with the hope that it continues thereafter.
Roots program
The Batmitzvah girls will be invited to join the Chief Rabbi’s “Roots program”, which will join them up with Batmitzvah participants of other shuls periodically, to celebrate together. This form must be accompanied by certification of the mother’s Orthodox Judaism by way of marriage/ Divorce
certificate or shul membership form. Families are encouraged to join the Shul as members and are encouraged to bring the Bat Mitzvah applicant to
Shul on a Shabbat morning or Friday night for the duration of her Bat Mitzvah learning, with the hope that it continues thereafter.
As per the regulations stipulated by the South African Beth Din and Union of Orthodox Synagogues of which we are a member, and in the spirit of the Bat Mitzvah experience, any Bat Mitzvah party/ celebration/ disco held in addition to the Bat Mitzvah ceremony in Shul must be catered by a Kosher caterer who is under the auspices of the Beth Din. If it is held on a Saturday night it needs to commence after the conclusion of Shabbat. A copy of the invitation must be submitted to the Shul office at least four weeks prior to the function with confirmation of the caterer. If there is a separate invitation for the disco/party this has to be submitted as well.
If the party is held on a Saturday night it needs to commence after the conclusion of Shabbat.
Batmitzvah Registration

Roots Programme Registration